Thursday 27 May 2010

Time to listen?

I have been thinking a lot recently about how life doesn't always work out how we expect it. Sometimes this is a good thing other times not so. However there is always a reason. For me as a person of faith I believe that nothing 'just happens'. In fact the bible tells me that all things work together for good for those who love God. The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is that I believe (whether they are Christians or not)they truly embrace this scripture.

As a Christian there is a lot of comfort that can be gained from this type of living. To know that there is always someone else looking out for us. I once heard Graham Cooke (a great speaker / author / all round wise bloke) say that God was always there for us, it's just that some times He was manifest IE) clearly to be seen, and other times he was hidden IE) not so visible. It was at these times that we usually learnt the most.

If for you it feels like God is hidden, have the courage to take time to work out what lesson there is for you to learn, take time out to listen ......the question is not whether God is speaking but are we listening!
