Friday 28 September 2012

Make it count

Too many times we hear great stuff but then do absolutely nothing with it. The past few months have been an 'interesting' time for me. In fact it has probably been the toughest 6 months I have gone through. I feel I am now emerging from the other side. Certainly not the same but equally still unsure as to who I am or indeed who I want to be! I am ok with that though and feel sure over time I will find what I need (all sounds very ambiguous I know) but hey this is where I am! Life is simple but at the same time incredibly complicated, challenging and easy, fun and hard work, joyful and sorrowful.....contradictions all the way today!! But one thing I know is that it has to mean and count for something. Whatever that something is. I can’t drift through life and think when I come to the end of my days what have I done, what was it all about. My / your life has to count for something. Andy