Wednesday 20 February 2013

Grandad 2

Every now and then this fact I believe this is the second time I have blogged about my granddad but I either can't get to sleep or wake up early and then can't get back to sleep....the latter was one of those mornings....waking at about
3.45am...trying to sleep and failing miserably.
And so as I awoke i remembered my, dream we were on a camping trip and with us was my granddad, as I remembered him from my days as a child. Larger than life, full of smiles, humour and fun. That was who he was...certainly to me anyway. But then as I dwelt on the dream for a moment I realised how much I miss him...he died in 1998.

He was to me an unconditional man i.e.) he was always the same, no matter what I did, said, behaved he didn’t change towards me, he was always happy to see me, his love felt absolute, constant i.e.) unconditional.

I knew him two ways...most as my granddad but also as my Sunday School Teacher (for a year at least). Everyone loved his class, as I said previously he was always funny (sometimes unintentionally)but more than that you got something from him that went deep.

We probably didn’t realise this as children, we just enjoyed as much the Bluebird Toffees he would hand round at the end of the class. Maybe that’s the thing with deep it takes time to come through. This is what I feel at the moment...deep.

I am learning from him now. I even feel that part of his legacy is being lived out in me. In part I am doing what I am doing because of him. I hope I am doing him worthy. I hope that one day I will see him again, but in the meantime I will try and live life as he did, with fun, humour, purpose, determination and most of all love. Andy