Thursday 7 December 2006

Are pets in heaven?

Not one of the most inspiring theological posts I know, but after 17 yrs both of our cats have now died. We had to have Roxanne (named after one of my favourite films: the one with Steve Martin and the nose!)finally put down, she hadn't been well for some time but it finally came to that time when it was kinder to stop the suffering. Charlie our other cat died earlier in the year also aged 17.

I have to keep stopping myself from saying and doing little things, anyway I will miss her.

As for the title of the post I have no conclusive answer, but if they are I have just one hope, that they can feed themselves and clear out their own litter tray!

On a lighter note we have begun the annual 'lets light the street up' campaign. Some of our Christmas lights are up, note that's some, we still have more! As usual our neighbours are very happy about that!


Wednesday 29 November 2006


Just updated my profile to find out my zodiac year is that of the sheep!! As Jesus is often refered to as the shepherd feel that there must be some real deep significance here! Blogspot obvioulsy already sensing my pastoral heart! Time to dust of the crook!


Here we go!

Decided to take the step...maybe a late one but then again at least it's a step!

Anyway have decided it was time for the world to hear my words of wisdom, witty insights and generally my many observations on life!!!

I have set myself the challenge of trying to update at least on a weekly basis....but let's see.

Just thought I would clarify where the title comes from. I was having a conversation one day in the office about what the title of my first book would be (note the arrogance here - MY FIRST BOOK) and I came up with this title.At the time it's what I was doing fairly regularly, going for a run in the morning then when I got back having some quiet time (a very Christian phrase I know) with God and at the same time having an espresso, hense having an espresso with Jesus.

Finally please don't all line up ready to stone me, I mean no disrespect in my title at all.

So here we go, what comes after the first step.......oh yes the second!
