Tuesday 27 February 2007

The Journey of Righteousness

This has been a phrase that has been going round in my head for the past few days and although I am aware that as a Christian my belief is that righteousness or right living is given as a gift, there is something about that phrase that has got me thinking.

I will never be perfect although my aim is always to be the best person that I can be. I have realised more and more over the years that life is a journey and here's that word again, a process. It is something that we are always working our way through. For me the time when we feel we have arrived is the time that we may as well give up and go home. In order to understand righteousness we must also understand who and what we are. We will make mistakes, we will have bad days, we are not perfect. But it is by being all those things that makes the journey of righteousness that much more intriguing and the fact that we have been given, by the gift of Christ, through God's grace, righteousness. Maybe it is not so much a journey of righteousness but more about me understanding a little more each day about what God has done for me, what He has given me. More like unwrapping a present a little bit each day.

God's grace never ceases to amaze me, his love and understanding are sometimes completely beyond my way of thinking. But there is one thing I do know, He has committed to take the journey with me every step of the way. With that in mind it makes the journey that much more enjoyable and achievable.

Enjoy the walk.


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