Friday 23 March 2007

Great quote!

Just heard this...."Remember..your focus determines your reality."

Great line, loads of truth.


The Virtues of Running.....finally!!

Having begun my training for Half Marathon I can honestly say I am starting to enjoy running..sorry that definitely should be jogging. If anybody has seen Peter Kay I am currently 'dad running.'

Anyway exercise really does make you feel better! I am starting to regret those wasted years of a very sedentary lifestyle.

Let me give you a tip, if you are thinking about it get out there and do it, you definitely wont regret it.


Monday 12 March 2007

Belief vs Faith

Have been thinking about faith today and also sometimes how I really do lack faith, whether this be a natural or a supernatural thing and in doing so came across this great story about belief vs faith...

Have you ever heard about the guy who walked a tight rope across Niagara Falls? Many people watched him do it. To them he asked, "Do you believe I can walk a tight rope across the Falls?" They all replied, "Yes." They had already seen him do it.

Then he pushed a wheel barrow on a tight rope across Niagara Falls. When he completed the feat, he asked the onlookers, "Do you believe I can walk a tight rope across the Falls pushing a wheel barrow?" To that they replied unanimously, "Yes." Because they saw him do that too.

Finally, a buddy of the tight rope walker climbs into the wheel barrow and the tight rope walker pushes him across the Falls. Wow, what a daring feat! When they finished, the tight rope walker asked the crowd, "Do you believe I can walk a tight rope across the Falls pushing a wheel barrow with a person in it?" To that they exclaimed, "Yes!" For they were now believers in this guy's awesome abilities.

Then he looked at the crowd and asked, "Who's next?"

There you have it... Belief vs. Faith...!

Great story, great challenge!


Sunday 11 March 2007

Quote of the day...week...Year!

Stated very confidently and loudly in the office the other day...."if my husband is like that I am not going to marry him!"

Guess who said that? First letter L second letter O ...yes you guessed it Lozza. Worthy of making it on onto 'It's a Norm' I think.


Monday 5 March 2007


Music is so powerful.

I am just sat here in my office as I type listening to one of my favourite tracks of all time, Stay by Me by Annie Lennox off her album Diva. This album first came out in 1992 (had it first on tape, how old is that!)and yet I can instantly recall feelings and emotions that I felt at that time. It's as though the track has the power of time travel, as I remember specific situations around that time. It's as though I can instantly re-live, hear and see everything as if it was here and now. Without music I doubt I would be able to have such specific recollections.

Have you ever listened to a track and thought that someone had just read your mind and written something specifically for you. It's almost like the greatest songwriters and musicians have the ability to tap into the very atmosphere around them and somehow put it into words and music.

Music also has the ability to unite and bring people together unlike anything else I know. Ever been to a concert where suddenly everyone is singing the same thing, all having the same shared experience, and suddenly you realise you are all in this together! Amazing!

Maybe next time negotiations break down over some major treaty or employment stand off they should take a break and get everyone to a U2 concert and get everyone singing 'In the Name of Love', just a suggestion!

Music, quite simply I couldn't live my life without it.


Thursday 1 March 2007


Is there really anything on this planet of ours that is permanent?

We have all sort of products that are meant to have permanent properties, but in in my view there is only one thing that is really permanent, and that is God himself.

In the bible He is refereed to as our foundation, our rock, our salvation. He existed before creation itself, before the heavens (the universe)and before the earth. As always this prompts the question that recently my son asked me "So if God created everything who created God?"

God's answer (again from the bible) is that he is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. He has always 'been' and always 'will be', or more simply He is permanent.
