Monday 5 March 2007


Music is so powerful.

I am just sat here in my office as I type listening to one of my favourite tracks of all time, Stay by Me by Annie Lennox off her album Diva. This album first came out in 1992 (had it first on tape, how old is that!)and yet I can instantly recall feelings and emotions that I felt at that time. It's as though the track has the power of time travel, as I remember specific situations around that time. It's as though I can instantly re-live, hear and see everything as if it was here and now. Without music I doubt I would be able to have such specific recollections.

Have you ever listened to a track and thought that someone had just read your mind and written something specifically for you. It's almost like the greatest songwriters and musicians have the ability to tap into the very atmosphere around them and somehow put it into words and music.

Music also has the ability to unite and bring people together unlike anything else I know. Ever been to a concert where suddenly everyone is singing the same thing, all having the same shared experience, and suddenly you realise you are all in this together! Amazing!

Maybe next time negotiations break down over some major treaty or employment stand off they should take a break and get everyone to a U2 concert and get everyone singing 'In the Name of Love', just a suggestion!

Music, quite simply I couldn't live my life without it.



Gem said...

how is it I never knew about this blog!!?

TommyDB said...

Mr Blount. You have kept this hidden for some time!

And I won't hold the car against you. It'd be far too heavy.