Wednesday 30 April 2008

The 'New' Year - Pt 1

Not having blogged for a few months I have decided to once again pick it up. It has always, been one of my secret ambitions to write, so have purposed to write every day....lets see how long that lasts then.

So far this year has been quite interesting. A lot of last year was pretty naff, we lost a very close member of the family, had some major changes in church structure which initially were quite tough, Nessa's dad was very, very ill, I had pneumonia so when New Years Day promptly arrived I was pretty glad....8 after all in the Bible refers to new Amen to that.

It was with this thinking in mind that I was determined this year would be different for all sorts of reasons, so I set about the year with a clear number of goals...the main one being to lose weight. So on the 9th January I began my Lighter Life weight loss programme (see and after 4 months have now lost 5 1/2 stone.

Secondly we (myself and Ness) have stated for a number of years that we would go skiing, so it was in March that we booked a weeks skiing in the French Alps, to begin 2 days after Christmas 2008, for all four of us (me,Ness,James and Alicia.) James has elected to go boarding, which I am sure he will be a natural at, Alicia has not long returned from a school skiing trip so I am sure she will be an expert. Nessa was a keen ice skater for many years so will take to it as a mallard (her old surname by the way...bad joke i know) takes to water...which leaves me the man who has no balance, cant skate even after 40 yrs to be the expert at falling over!!

(cont. next post)

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