Tuesday 9 June 2009

The Challenge of the first step!

We all know to take the first step in anything is always the hardest. So many things have to be overcome; particularly the unknown and usually attached to the unknown is fear.
Fear of the unknown is one of, if not the biggest enemy of making a change. Fear of the unknown causes many situations to remain the same… we even have sayings that reinforce this belief …‘better the devil you know’ or ’out of the frying pan into the fire.’
All of these things have a detrimental effect on our ability to change and usually result in the status quo once again being maintained. The reality though is that change needs to be taking place in our lives daily!
The devil is absolutely happy with maintaining the status quo, he is even more than happy with many Christians going to church as unfortunately too many churches are more than happy with the status quo.
The church of today needs a change and change often starts with one step. As God declared to Joshua he was to posses the land one step at a time… Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, I have given that to you (Josh 1: 3).
Each new day will present us with new challenges… new opportunities to take new steps and bring about change in our world. As with all things where there is a challenge God the father will always provide for us, as the scriptures declare…new every morning, great is your faithfulness(Lam 3: 23).
Finally there is a challenge that has been ringing in my ears for the past 3 week. It relates to the story of a friend who started and runs the University of Life, an education project in Brazil, after he was moved for the first time to take coffee and bread to the homeless children, they simply asked him ….will you be back tomorrow.

Taking the first step, bringing about change is not something that we do once but something that we need to do on a daily basis as Luke 9: 23 declares. If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me.

This is the mission that has been laid at the churches feet so let’s daily take those first steps.


1 comment:

Neil said...

Great blog Andy, you should do it more often!