Wednesday 4 May 2011

The Mark of God

Finally back to's been a busy few weeks with many thoughts flowing through my mind one of which was the title for this post.

In reality we all carry the 'Mark of God' whether we like it or not, whether saved or not. The Bible dictates that we are all made in His image, His handiwork is all around us.

But my thought goes a little further than that. When we look deep within ourselves, sometimes at the darkest or most difficult times in our lives, we know and see something more than our 24/7 existence. This for me is what I would like to call the 'Mark of God.'

In the film Bladerunner (fantastic film by the way) mankind has advanced to being able to create artificial beings manufactured from a cellular level. These beings are created by engineers who at a cellular level mark their creations with their code or if you prefer signature.

It's the same for all of us...whether we classify ourselves as saved or not we all have this mark, signature at the heart of our very being....we are all the Fathers handiwork.

Why do we have this mark? Quite simply all creation is His...the stars in the night sky, the cattle on a thousand hillsides as it states in the bible, even the house you live in or the clothes on your back. But all these things are not marked the way you or I am marked. We are the pinnacle of His creation, we have been created for a reason, none are here by accident.

So why are you here are, what indeed is 'it' all about, what were you created for? Big questions I know but ones that surely deserve some thought....give it a many say the answer lies deep within!


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