Friday 6 April 2012


Blossom symbolises the start of new life. Spring has finally arrived when we begin to see it.
At this Easter time, as we look around and see the blossom think about what Easter is about.

Jesus came so that we could exchange certain death for eternal life.

God willingly let His only son die. Think about this for a second. You willingly let men take your perfect, innocent son. Whip him to an inch of his life, beat him then nail him to a cross, one of the most barbaric deaths imaginable.

Imagine you are standing by, knowing that in the fraction of a second you could stop it with not so much as a nod of your head. Legions of angels would descend and utterly destroy those who were murdering your son.

But you don't, you let it happen. You stand and watch!

Finally at your son’s most agonising moment you turn your back and walk away. At his absolute moment of need you do not heed his cry....Father...Father ...why have you left me??!!

When people say that God does not love the world we need to remind ourselves of this true story.

Next time you see the blossom think of what the Father and Son went through willingly for you and me.

Have a blessed Easter.


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