Friday 9 May 2008


I have been thinking about the 'power of connection' recently and what it really means.

Sometimes this connection can be really tangible or sometimes less so. Having recently run the 10K with another 3676 people, I can't help but feel a sense of 'connection' with them, even though I only spoke to a few of them who ran the race, I still feel that connection. I suppose some of it is around a shared experience, we all went through something together....and came out the other side!!!(Sorry that is a little melodramatic.)

This point is better exampled by the stories from the soldiers who took part in the Normandy landings and beyond, how they developed a bond with each other that was almost beyond their own they became a band of brothers....developing the ultimate connection with each other

It was exactly that type of connection that Jesus developed with His disciples, which in turn they developed within the early church, and as in the Normandy landings, often in in adverse circumstances.

Going back to the 10K, Nessa decided to write a short letter to a few of our neighbours explaining what we were doing, asking for their support. The response we have had from our neighbours has been fantastic and in all honesty I have had more conversations with our neighbours because of this 'adverse' situation ie) Josh's condition, than I have had for some time...connections have come through an unlikely circumstance.

In concluding... naturally I am a shy person, and over the years I have tended to keep my head down, avoiding making a connection, but now I will do my best to make that connection...after all as in the latest line from the Dr. Pepper ad 'What's the worst that can happen?"!!!


Tuesday 6 May 2008


Have you ever thought about the reason why you exist. Many people question their very existence often pondering the big question.....what is the meaning of this life.

My answer to this question is simple...relationship. The reason you/we exist is because of relationship...or more specifcially God wanting to have a relationship with you.

It was out of a desire for relationship that God created the 'Heaven's and the Earth.' As human beings we are the very pinancle of God's creation, as the Bible declares we are made in 'His image.'

Today God has a desire for relationship with you and me more than we can possibly imagine...the creator of all that we can see, hear and feel wants to know you... spend time with YOU! Imagine if a call came from whomever you consider to be the most famous person in the world or the very person you would love to meet even for a few moments, asking to spend time with you everyday, that you were there number one priority, that they would do anything for you...even die for would you feel.....because that is exactly how God feels about you!

So think about that next time you ponder the meaning of it all.



Just to say a big thanks to all who sponsored myself, Ness and Dan for running the Bristol 10K yesterday, as can be seen from the Just Giving widget we have raised / pledged £1215, which is a fantastic amount. The money will be going to Little Bridge House part of Children's Hospice South West which provides respite care for Josh (my nephew - see and his family.

Dan completed the race in 57 mins, Ness in 69 mins and I did it in 65 mins. We started the race fairly cold but after about 20 mins we suddenly realised how humid and warm it was, so by the time I got to the only water station at 5K I was really thirsty. Unfortunately I picked up a bottle which still had the top on which seamed to have been sealed with super glue or so it felt.

Ness did really well as after about 3K her ankle which she injured last year really began to hurt to such an extent that she will now have to go and get some physio on it, but like the true trooper she is she persevered and completed the well done.

Dan meanwhile had to endure a fall, which hurt him quite a bit, so he had to stop for about 5 mins, but again being one to never quit he pushed on, and still managed to beat me by 8 minutes!!

So it's on with the training for the Half Marathon in September......what joy!!!


Friday 2 May 2008

Knowledge is power...

...or so we are told many times. The reality is that knowledge by itself is nothing, unless we apply the knowledge. In fact it is the application of that knowledge which ultimately results in 'power' or as I heard the other week:

"only when we use the knowledge is it power....take ownership of the knowledge....have the courage to put that knowledge into action."

Wise words.


Thursday 1 May 2008

'What if'

I have often asked myself the question ‘what if. ’Two small yet very powerful words.
‘What if’ is probably one of the most asked questions around the world, people talk about the ’what if’ scenario all the time, often we will lie awake at night pondering the ‘What if’ question!

Today I would like to challenge us all to turn some of our ‘what if’s’ into ‘I did.’ Rather than thinking about what might be let's begin to act. The reality is that Jesus was a person of action. He followed up His words with action, He acted on his ‘what if’s’!

God has a unique plan and purpose for all of us to walk in, a whole series of ‘what if’ situations for us to face, with Him. The question is which way will we choose. We posses what God has for us one decision at a time, If we make a wrong decision we always have the option to make our next decision the right one.

Finally take time to look around and listen, to see and hear what is going on around you. When you do you will see that God is at work all around, and rather than asking the question ’God where are you?’, you may just hear the answer ‘I am here… through you.’ Question is what will you do next?
