Thursday 1 May 2008

'What if'

I have often asked myself the question ‘what if. ’Two small yet very powerful words.
‘What if’ is probably one of the most asked questions around the world, people talk about the ’what if’ scenario all the time, often we will lie awake at night pondering the ‘What if’ question!

Today I would like to challenge us all to turn some of our ‘what if’s’ into ‘I did.’ Rather than thinking about what might be let's begin to act. The reality is that Jesus was a person of action. He followed up His words with action, He acted on his ‘what if’s’!

God has a unique plan and purpose for all of us to walk in, a whole series of ‘what if’ situations for us to face, with Him. The question is which way will we choose. We posses what God has for us one decision at a time, If we make a wrong decision we always have the option to make our next decision the right one.

Finally take time to look around and listen, to see and hear what is going on around you. When you do you will see that God is at work all around, and rather than asking the question ’God where are you?’, you may just hear the answer ‘I am here… through you.’ Question is what will you do next?


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