Friday 24 July 2009

Preperation for Change

A few years ago I came across a programme entitled 'Preparation for Change'. Ths was a programme designed for individuala with drg and/or alocohol issues.

During this programme individuals would be taken through a series of sessions about what lay before them, the challenges, how to deal with and embrace change. They had to complete this programme before they could then access detoxification and rehabilitation treatment.

The programme was designed not be fast track and purposely challenged the individuals resolve in wanting to change.

If an individual truly wanted to give up drugs, alcohol or both then they would be willing to complete the programme.

Unfortunately the same cannot be sometimes said of us and our life. We often want the quickest solution with the minimum hassle and input.

At this moment I believe many are going through a spiritual preparation for change, which some are finding difficult....some even feel every part of them is being tested and stretched. The reality is we are going through a process, readying us for a step up, a new part of the journey, ultimately change that will mean more of the Fathers love and glory manifested in our lives.

If this us where you are at stick at it and with it, stay the course the change is much closer than you think.



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