Friday 1 October 2010


The other day I saw something that immediately reminded me of my childhood home and days. What I saw was irrelevant but the power of recollection was tangible. I suddenly felt as though I was there once again, time travel indeed!

Anyway the biggest feeling I was struck by was security, comfort and an overriding feeling of no matter what was going on in the outside world, inside (our home) everything was going to be alright!

For me family is so important, not only the family that I have now but also the family I came from. Sometimes it is only when we look back that we can truly appreciate what we had.

I have been so blessed in the family that I either have or had, my wife and children, mom and dad, my grandparents, my sister and her family, my in-laws, they have all had a huge impact on my life and I love them all dearly (although if you were to ask them I am sure they would say I don’t say it enough…so apologies on that one!)

So going back to my original point home is so important, family is so important we need to value it, appreciate it cherish it even. Through them a foundation has been laid in my life that has helped me so much over the recent years….so once again a big thanks to you all and 210….happy memories!


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