Monday 27 September 2010


The other day I saw a woman attempting to walk her dog. Both were elderly and I watched as the women cajoled her dog to keep walking.

At the same time the scene was both filled with sadness and love. Love clearly that the women had for her dog and visa versa, but also of sadness as they both struggled to continue the walk that I am sure they had made hundred's of times before.

It was as I looked at the women that I immediately felt that they only had each others company, keeping loneliness at bay. I then began to imagine the scene of them both at home, the women in the chair with the dog at her feet by the fire. Once again this was a scene of sadness and love.

Maybe the only true friendship the women had was the dog, her only constant source of companionship...who knows?

As I said this story is imagined but is it really? I am sure for many thousands, maybe even millions of people this is a reality!

Loneliness is a growing problem in today’s society. Some of it is hidden, sometimes it stares us in the face. We all need to take responsibility for dealing with loneliness. No one today needs to feel lonely. How much technology is needed before we can tackle this problem (yes it is a problem, just read all the negative side effects loneliness has on peoples mental and physical health.)

Let's be on our look out for loneliness…let’s strike up conversations where we can, offer help where we can, drop by unannounced!

Loneliness wont shout from the rooftops, it hides in the shadows, behind closed doors, behind a mask a façade…we have to dig it out and look for it.

Happy hunting!


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