Wednesday 29 June 2011

Your Decision

Every now and then we will be reminded of something that happened in our life that was a pianful time for us.

This has happened to me today as I was listening to a song and reminded me of the time 4 years ago when a very close relative of ours decided the pain in his life was too much and he eneded his own life.

It is at this point that we have a decision to make. The reality is that the pain of that situation never really leaves us but we can choose how we respond and what we dwell on. The only way I can liken this is to standing by the side of a carousel and watching the horses go by. Eventually the ride will stop. This is the point of decision do we get on or not?

Many memories are like that. Do we 'get on' them or not? Don't get  me wrong we need to face our emotions and feelings about these situations, maybe even to the point of seeking outside counsel. But there comes a point when we need to a choose what we are going to dwell on. The Bible references this in Philippians 4: 8 tells us to keep your thoughts on whatever is right...things that are true, honourable , fair, pure, acceptabel and commedable.

I will try and do this....I will never ever forget my friend and relative, they will always be missied but I will try and choose what to I have said it is my decision.

Take care.


1 comment:

Adam said...

Thanks for your thoughts Andy. Just heard one our leaders at Church has passed away. Just reminds you how short life is and how precious it is. Thinking allot about legacy, after I'm gone, what was my life worth in terms of what I did while I was here, sends shivers down my spine in fear of knowing I'm not doing enough with what has been given to me. That thing about being lukewarm and too comfortable.