Monday 7 November 2011


As a Christian I am part of a worldwide faith movement.  There are billions of Christians across the globe.
It never ceases to amaze me how we really are all the same, the differences we have are only metaphorically and literally 'skin deep. Within, we are all the same mix of spirit, soul and body. However, what I believe separates Christians from everyone else is our relationship with Jesus and God the Father.

It is this personal relationship that defines our faith from all other faiths. This is where Christianity can be seen to be a paradox. Yes Christianity is a corporate religion, but at its core is this personal relationship with God. The Bible declares God created the heavens (including the universe) and the earth, and that the earth is his footstool (Isaiah 66: 1), yet God also wants (craves) personal relationship with you and me....amazing!

Christianity is encapsulated in this relationship. With it we have everything we need. Sometimes it is not easy, challenging even, but like all worthwhile relationships it is worth fighting for.

We may spend a 'lifetime' trying to get it right, but I for one believe it is worth it.

Finally fight to keep those special relationships in your life.....without them we are always the poorer!

Finally, finally a big thanks and love to all those special relationships in my life, Nessa, the kids, my family and friends....where would I be without you all!!


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