Monday 23 January 2012

Decision or Reaction?

Too much of life can be based on a reaction and not a decision.

Often we let the circumstances of the day define our day. We all know that there will be days when things happen beyond our control and influence and we just have to roll with it. But often there are days where we let life happen to us as opposed to deciding what our life will be.

There are countless sayings about preparation and the positive effect preparation can have on our everyday lives. The problem with preparation is that it takes...well ….preparation! It takes time, often time we don't feel we have.

This is where we need to take the long view and not the short view. I am sure we all have areas of our lives where we desire to see change. Often that change can be painful leading us at times to give up on the process of change. We need to take the long view. Move from a reaction (to the pain of change) to a decision.

This is where time travel comes in. Take yourself five years into the future. How will you feel if your life is still the same? The change you so desired five years ago still hasn't happened. Regret then becomes your constant companion. Now travel back.

Remember the regret. Use the power of that regret to bring about the change, to keep taking the long view as opposed to the short view. Before long you will realise that change has happened. You are no longer just reacting to life but deciding your life.

Have a decision filled day!


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