Sunday 8 January 2012

New day...New You?

We are all carriers of all that has happened to us, good or bad. It has shaped us, defined us, made us who were are. Whether this has produced desirable or not so desirable characteristics, we are often the sum of our events. There are no standard rules for this process of cause and effect. The same event will not have the same effect on two people.

Psychologists have grappled with the question of ‘nature or nurture’ for years i.e.) are DNA / genes the dominant process in our lives or the environment that we grow up in. The debate will go on for many years.

The phrase ‘it’s a new day’ implies that no matter what happened yesterday (usually implying it was not so good) can be better. It is as though some magical process happens, that the connection between our past and present is severed at 12.01am!

If only it were so easy! The Bible tells us that God’s mercies are ‘new every morning’ (Lamentations 3: 22 – 23).

This is not where God releases some new promise each new day but explains the power and process of God's grace. Another passage in the bible sates ‘as far as the east is from the west, so he has removed our transgressions from us. ’

This promise is new every day! No matter what has happened yesterday, today can be different. We don’t have to let our past define our future. Easier said than done I know, but we need to start with the promise that all is not lost.

Indeed all is still to play for! Grace is both an instant act but a process to work out. But like all process’s it starts with belief. John 3: 16 is all about belief! God loves you…believe it….it will begin a process of change in your life that you forever will be grateful for!


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