Wednesday 23 February 2011


This morning I was thinking about one of my favourite verses in the Bible, Matthew 6: 33, which states "seek first the kingdom of God".

I was suddenly struck by the use of the word "seek". When we examine this word in the original Greek it also means to desire, endeavour, enquire (for), require, to seek after.

This is active stuff, not passive. We have to be looking for the kingdom everyday but it will not always be obvious and certainly not always easy, but it is there to be found.

The question and challenge for me is am I looking for it hard enough and am I looking for it as much as I can? The quick and honest answer to my own question is simply No.

Sometimes it feels like too much bother, too much like hard work. But I think I am missing the point. Jesus says that He only did what He saw the Father doing already. It was not so much that He had to go looking for it but when kingdom business came across His path, He embraced it, went for it (feet first even) and was obedient to the Father!

Paul’s wise words to Timothy were always to be ready with an answer for the reason for hope that is within us , whether literal, physical or symbolic …..that’s the minimum I think we owe the world.


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