Wednesday 2 February 2011

Time Marches On!

It is the management of time that is often one of life’s big challenges, especially in a society that is consumed with the notion of making every second count.

Sometimes we can become so preoccupied with managing our time that we miss ‘the moment’. Our obsession with time can lead to looking back and wondering "where has the time gone" or even wishing to have our time again. Ultimately this can be very unhelpful as we cannot do anything about the past (unless you happened to have invented the Flux Capacitor!! See Back to the Future) thus leading to a helplessness and a malaise for our life of the present.

Having our focus on time is like focusing more on the plate as opposed to the food on the plate. When we go to a restaurant it is not to admire the plate but to eat and hopefully enjoy the food. Time is the plate that holds our life. We need to focus on who we are and what we want to do, not on how long we have got!

In the film Finding Forrester the young writer is encouraged by the ageing author (played by Sean Connery) to just write, not to think about what he is writing but to just let it flow out of him. It is the process of writing that makes someone a writer!

Maybe this is how we should live life, just live it, get on with it, do your best, have a go, dive in (feet first even) and see what happens. Stop planning and seeing if you have the time because as we all know one day we won’t.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

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