Wednesday 9 November 2011

Character Determines Your Reach

For me Character is everything. Over the years I have met many gifted people but how they have used their gift(s) and how that has reached/impacted people has been varied.

In my earlier years I would look at some people and wonder why they (their gift,talent, ability, expertise) were reaching and impacting so many more people than a comparable person with the same level of giftedness or maybe even more. The answer is Character. Why?

This all about trust. Can we be trusted to use what we have been blessed with the right way, to make it count without it going to our head. Arrogance and pride will always curtail For our gift. Humility on the other hand does exactly the opposite.

If it always about us, life becomes very shallow and limited. When life is also about other people it is deep and unlimited! I know which life I want!!

The bible has many things to say about this. Ultimately can we be trusted with what God wants to give us, bless us with even. Can we be trusted to steward, administer, cherish correctly what He wants to give each one of us. Note, this is not about the promise or provision for a chosen few, this is for all!!

We need everyones gift to be in full operation...soaring even (as per the the great book Soar with Your Strength's). We can never hope to reach out and meet the many needs of this world through mediocrity, we need all our gifts and abilities at full stretch! Only our best will do!

Finally I will leave the final words to God....the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless (committed) to Him....(2 Chronicles 16: 9). God is looking for us! Question is, can we be fully trusted? A challenge for us all.


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