Tuesday 8 November 2011

Prisoners of the Past

This is a phrase that has been with me for some months. It is something that I feel affects all of us at some point in our lives. We can be held captive by our past.

Over the past few years I have tried to develop a focus and mentality that looks forward not backward. I always want to be a person that believes better days are ahead.

Sometimes we need to look back, to learn from past events and mistakes. But this is not the same as being held captive. Jack Welch one time CEO of GEC was once asked what was the most valuable lesson he could impart to the young aspiring excecutives. His answer was "simply allow people to make mistakes and then to lean from them." When we stop allowing people to make mistakes we stop one of the best ways we learn. Ultimately, allowing mistakes creates an environment that enables great new ideas to develop, it helps people to reach beyond the immediate and to grasp the future.

People that we identify as achievers are not people that have never failed, but they are people that pick themselves up and cut themselves some slack and have another go, and then another go, and then another go, and then....you get the picture!

John maxwell has this great phrase "failing forward: turning mistakes into stepping stones for success" ....i.e.) we are always learning no matter what the situation. Alternatively the bible says "all things work together for good for those who love God" (Romans 8: 28).

Don't be held by the past or past failures. If needed forgive yourself, give yourself the same break you give everyone else, pick yourself up and have another go....you deserve it!


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