Saturday 31 December 2011

A Graceful New Year

Looking forward to 2012 it is both a time of anticipation and especially this year some anxiety. No one truly knows what 2012 will hold.

A great speaker, Graham Cooke, once said there are no good days or bad days just days of grace. This is how I will try and approach 2012. I know I will make mistakes, get things wrong but I want to approach this New Year not by trying to avoid things but by trying to do things.

Jack Welch (former Chairman of GEC) was once asked one piece of advice he could give to aspiring executives. His answer was simply to allow people to make mistakes. If we live our lives constrained by fear, whatever fear that is, we will never do anything. It is not that we live a life without consequence but that we live a learning life, a developing life.

Grace exists because we cannot be perfect. Our aspiration should never be for perfection but to be and do our best. Grace then exists to make up the inevitable shortfall.

How do we get this grace? Through Jesus. He declared in the bible that he was the way, truth and life (John 14:6).

Let this coming year be a year of grace, a grace that you can find for yourself and hopefully once that you then pass to others.

A Happy, blessed and a graceful New Year to all.


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