Monday 27 September 2010


The other day I saw a woman attempting to walk her dog. Both were elderly and I watched as the women cajoled her dog to keep walking.

At the same time the scene was both filled with sadness and love. Love clearly that the women had for her dog and visa versa, but also of sadness as they both struggled to continue the walk that I am sure they had made hundred's of times before.

It was as I looked at the women that I immediately felt that they only had each others company, keeping loneliness at bay. I then began to imagine the scene of them both at home, the women in the chair with the dog at her feet by the fire. Once again this was a scene of sadness and love.

Maybe the only true friendship the women had was the dog, her only constant source of companionship...who knows?

As I said this story is imagined but is it really? I am sure for many thousands, maybe even millions of people this is a reality!

Loneliness is a growing problem in today’s society. Some of it is hidden, sometimes it stares us in the face. We all need to take responsibility for dealing with loneliness. No one today needs to feel lonely. How much technology is needed before we can tackle this problem (yes it is a problem, just read all the negative side effects loneliness has on peoples mental and physical health.)

Let's be on our look out for loneliness…let’s strike up conversations where we can, offer help where we can, drop by unannounced!

Loneliness wont shout from the rooftops, it hides in the shadows, behind closed doors, behind a mask a façade…we have to dig it out and look for it.

Happy hunting!



Today I had a conversation with a consultant around how drug and a alcohol treatment needs to develop.

Historically treatment has evolved around intense psychotherapy, normally through the 12 steps programme as developed by Alcoholics Anonymous. For many this has worked extremely well but equally for others it has led to life of institutionalization.

The key issue we were discussing was focus. Through psychotherapy the individual is attempting to work through their issues as to why they developed drug and or alcohol problems. But new thinking is developing that individuals need to look at what they can begin to do, what new goals and aspirations they can set.

By focusing on what they can begin to do rather than what they perceive needs fixing leads to individuals leading far more productive, fulfilled and ultimately institutionally free lives.

Once again I was reminded of my faith and relationship with God the Father. If we keep looking at ourselves we will never get beyond our salvation, whereas when we look to the Father and what He has done for us we can begin to live the life that He has intended for us.

Mark Stibbe has a great quote ....come as you are but don stay that way i.e.) the Father is always standing with his arms wide open , ready to receive us, but He also has a great plan for our lives that requires change in our lives.

By focusing on what the Father has done for us and has for us will enable that change to happen.

David made the same decision. In a life of many mistakes he knew how to achieve what God had set before him…Psalm 121: 1 declares…I will look unto the hills from where comes my help. The hills represent Mt Zion a further representation of God the Father.

With God anything is possible…take your eyes of yourself and look to Him!


Tuesday 14 September 2010


My life is undergoing some change at the moment and even though I have initiated this change myself it can at times feel quite challenging.

My analogy for this is liken to the scene in the movies where the classic chase takes place on a train and at some point they always end up on the roof, hurtling along at 90 mph! They leave the semi comfort of the carriage for the danger of the roof!

OK so my imagination can run wild....but life at times needs to change.....if we remain too comfortable for too long we can lose our vision and our passion. Change is a good thing...but sometimes the process of change is difficult, but if we are to fulfill all that life has for us there will always be a need for periodic change.

So whatever you are going through at the moment hold true, keep the faith and know that you are never alone...Psalm 23!!


Supporter or Follower?

This is my first season as an Albion season ticket holder. For many years I have contemplated getting one but never quite made the step to purchasing one, for all sorts of reasons...the distance, the time, the name but a few reasons. This year I have taken the step and purchased my ticket, I now consider myself a true supporter.

How have I come to this conclusion? Earlier in the year myself and a few members of my family went on a tour of the Hawthorns (Albion's stadium) which was conducted by the now retired, former club secretary...a very knowledgeable man!

As he was conducting the tour he was bemoaning the many changes that had happened in the game. One being the changes in supporters, particularly around corporate entertainment. At the time Albion had once again been relegated from the Premier league and he had noted once again the drop off in some support as Albion were striving for promotion out of the championship back to the Premier League.

Quite simply he said this was the difference between being a supporter or a follower....supporters part with their cash, time, and in Albion's case their finger nails whilst a follower will be here when the going is good and it suits them.

My point in this.....being a Christian can sometimes be very similar.....question for each one of us are we a follower or a supporter?
