Tuesday 14 September 2010


My life is undergoing some change at the moment and even though I have initiated this change myself it can at times feel quite challenging.

My analogy for this is liken to the scene in the movies where the classic chase takes place on a train and at some point they always end up on the roof, hurtling along at 90 mph! They leave the semi comfort of the carriage for the danger of the roof!

OK so my imagination can run wild....but life at times needs to change.....if we remain too comfortable for too long we can lose our vision and our passion. Change is a good thing...but sometimes the process of change is difficult, but if we are to fulfill all that life has for us there will always be a need for periodic change.

So whatever you are going through at the moment hold true, keep the faith and know that you are never alone...Psalm 23!!


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