Monday 27 September 2010


Today I had a conversation with a consultant around how drug and a alcohol treatment needs to develop.

Historically treatment has evolved around intense psychotherapy, normally through the 12 steps programme as developed by Alcoholics Anonymous. For many this has worked extremely well but equally for others it has led to life of institutionalization.

The key issue we were discussing was focus. Through psychotherapy the individual is attempting to work through their issues as to why they developed drug and or alcohol problems. But new thinking is developing that individuals need to look at what they can begin to do, what new goals and aspirations they can set.

By focusing on what they can begin to do rather than what they perceive needs fixing leads to individuals leading far more productive, fulfilled and ultimately institutionally free lives.

Once again I was reminded of my faith and relationship with God the Father. If we keep looking at ourselves we will never get beyond our salvation, whereas when we look to the Father and what He has done for us we can begin to live the life that He has intended for us.

Mark Stibbe has a great quote ....come as you are but don stay that way i.e.) the Father is always standing with his arms wide open , ready to receive us, but He also has a great plan for our lives that requires change in our lives.

By focusing on what the Father has done for us and has for us will enable that change to happen.

David made the same decision. In a life of many mistakes he knew how to achieve what God had set before him…Psalm 121: 1 declares…I will look unto the hills from where comes my help. The hills represent Mt Zion a further representation of God the Father.

With God anything is possible…take your eyes of yourself and look to Him!


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