Tuesday 8 March 2011


I have tweeted this today and wanted to expand the thought. I tweeted that someone doing a 'bad' thing, however we define bad, does not make that person 'bad', by our definition.

My reason for this thinking is something that I want to be very honest and very real about...my driving. For those that know me they will tell you there are times when I can be very impatient, this is often at it's worst when I am driving. If someone cuts me up, doesn't let me in, doesn't say thank you for me letting them in ....the list goes on, I can get very impatient and sorry to say, angry!

My point is this. As soon as this happens I will make a judgment about that person because they have done something, that I deem to be 'bad', I assume them to be bad as a whole. Wrong I know, but that unfortunately is how I can think in that instant.

The key here is judgment, and in that instant, how quick I am at making that judgment. The thing with judgment is that really we are in no position to make it.

As a Christian I am saved by grace, but when I sit in judgment I am crying out for justice, but if I want justice it has to work both ways. If I want justice for myself by the very nature of justice itself, I have to want it for everyone. If I apply that to my relationship with God then justice can only end one way....my eternal death!! As scripture declares we all fall short and in so doing I am in effect a condemned man.

I need to stop making a judgment, or as many have said to try and see the best in each person, give them the benefit of doubt. It's time to walk in grace not justice!


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