Friday 18 March 2011

DNA of Growth

As I look out of our kitchen window I can once again see the signs of Spring (see picture). As we emerge from winter the trees begin to produce the wonderful colours of blossom.

Blossom has suddenly been produced as the conditions are right. Temperature, sunlight, water and the root system have all played their part.

Quite simply if the right conditions are in place, growth automatically happens. It is part of our natural and spiritual DNA. We have been made to grow!

We can apply the same principles to our own life. If we 'put' ourselves under / in the right conditions growth will happen, in and through our lives. Take away the right conditions and growth stops.

We need to think about our lives and the right conditions we need. Maybe we need to make some changes, some that may be quite challenging to make. We need courage.

Examine your life over the last 12 months, audit what has happened. Nothing 'just happens', there is always cause and effect. Be honest with yourself, be rigorous. Employ the help of a trusted friend.

Set yourself some goals for the next 12 months, but don't just think about the goals, think about what is needed, what are the right conditions, that will ensure you fulfill them all.

Finally be prepared for change, your life will not be the same. If you stick at it I am sure when you look back you will be more than pleasantly surprised!


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