Wednesday 16 March 2011

The Need to Make a Difference

There is an intrinsic part of us that needs to know our life makes a difference.We all need to be needed. Some have this feeling too much and maybe some not enough.

Those who have this feeling too much are often called needy, those with too little can be called aloof. Those refereed to as needy often define themselves only by what they do and not by who they are. For those refereed to as aloof it can often be the opposite.

So back to my starting point. The truth (as many times) is somewhere in the middle.

We are defined by both what we do and who we are. There is a rather a bad cliche that says we are human beings and not human doings but this missies the point of the need to make a difference.

Why do so many people ask why am I here.....what is 'it' all this all there is? These are all valid questions and are linked to the inbuilt need for our life to mean something.

We have all been created with a purpose, we are all predestined. We are not a mistake, we all have something that only we can do, we all have a unique piece of the overall jigsaw!

Making a difference is not only about the big but just as much, if not more, about the small. By taking a small step each day we can eventually conquer a nation!

This is exactly what God said to Joshua when he told him how he would posses the promised land. Everywhere the sole of his foot went ie) one step at a time (Josh 1: 3)!

Lets look for the small ways we can make a difference each day. 


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