Saturday 12 March 2011


Our prayers and thoughts and  are with the poeple of Japan at this time.

As a nation the Japanese people have always struck me as honourable, always appearing polite and respectful, hard working, determined. I am sure it is these qualities that will bring them through this dark and difficult time.

The death toll I am sure will rise dramatically over the next few days. Maybe we have not really taken on board some of what we have actually seen, within the buildings, cars, boats even, being swept away.
I can remember watching 9/11 unfolding before my eyes, watching the first tower collapse and at that point not really registering the number of people still trapped in the building.

It has felt the same watching the footage from Japan.  It is only now 24 + hrs after the earthquake and consequent tsunami,  with images of people being rescued that I am beginning to realise the number of people that will not be rescued!

Maybe I am being naive but I pray, maybe hope being a more appropriate word, that at those final moments people were able to cry out to God who ultimately rescued them, maybe not from the tsunami but from something far worse.

I will continue to pray, pray for the people trapped, yet to be rescued, pray for the rescuers, pray for the government, pray for the bereaved, the homeless, all affected....pray that God will give strength courage and help to those who desperately need it.

I have always wanted to go to Japan, a desire to go and minister. Funnily enough having seen all that I have it only wants to make me go more!

Finally it is interesting to note how each nation responds in its wishes. Here in the UK Mr Cameron expressed our thoughts and condolences. In America President Obama expressed their thoughts and prayers.

How different and indeed how sad that our nations leader cannot express, as I am sure many thousands  have in this nation, that we are praying. We need God more than ever in our world...that is something we all need to pray for....even Mr Cameron!


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