Sunday 12 February 2012


I was reading the other day about Moses relationship with God. It was a very simple verse in Exodus 33: 11 which says and the Lord spoke to Moses face to face as a man speaks to his friend.

I love this verse as it emphasises the relationship that Moses had with God.

I honestly believe that God valued the relationship as much as Moses did. Man was created by God for relationship. God still wants relationship with you and me.

Jesus came to earth so that relationship with the Father could be restored.

We often view God as distant and remote. But in this verse we see a very personal side to God. I can just imagine them sitting in the Tabernacle (tent) of meeting. In effect God and Moses were camping!!

I have very fond memories of camping out in my parents back garden with my friends. It was one of the first times I had any sort of freedom. We were able to stay up much later than usual, laughing, joking messing about. Mostly though we just talked and talked for hours. About anything, some funny, some serious and some absolute nonsense.

Maybe it was the same for God and Moses.

God loves each one of us with a passion. He so wants to get to know you and me, to spend time as friends do, just talking, camping even!


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