Wednesday 29 February 2012

One of those nights!

Unfortunately it's one of those nights when I can't sleep. I went to bed feeling tired, with all the best intentions of sleeping but found myself in one of those strange quandaries where the more I tried to sleep the more awake I felt.

So I have ended up coming downstairs and blogging!

Its 2.25am....there is a solitary bird singing outside...early dawn chorus...a (police?)helicopter has been circling above for what seems hours...and my mind has suddenly gone into overdrive.

It's strange how sometimes these moments bring about a clarity of thinking that rarely comes in the daytime. Suddenly things slot into order and find there place. Or thinking can go to the other extreme....chaos reigns....nothing makes sense!!

Tonight, aka this early morning, things make fact a new business idea I have thinking through is suddenly taking a clear shape. Why?? Don’t know ...but sometimes we have to take hold of the moment or opportunity when we can.

Anyway I have now put the TV on in the hope that the rerun of a past Holby City episode (that looks remarkably like am 80's pop video!!) will do enough to send me off to sleep....or maybe more thinking ....who indeed knows??


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