Wednesday 1 February 2012


My Granddad from my mom's side, died in 1998. Often there will be moments when I will suddenly remember him, some of the funny things he did and said.

Two memories spring to mind. One is from a Sunday afternoon. Nan and Granddad were round for tea and there was a jar of beetroot with a suction lid. Granddad decided to pick up the jar by the lid....suction was lost...beetroot all over the cream dad shouting at Granddad....Granddad apologising laughing....carpet never to recover!!

My second memory was one I was told. It was a frosty morning and Granddad took a bowl of warm water to throw down the path to melt the ice. Just as he was about to throw the water he slipped throwing the water all over himself, soaking and shocking himself in one go! I still laugh now as I think about it.

As much as Granddad mad us laugh he was a also a Sunday School teacher in the church I grew up in. He was everyones favourite teacher. He made the bible come alive, with fun, humour but always getting the point across. He was loved by all us children.

I like to think that I am now living out part of the legacy he planted in me.

Today once again I miss him. I miss our times together, our chats, his unconditional love and encouragement.

I know one day I will see him again. Here's to all the Granddads in the world. I thank God for mine.


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