Saturday 31 December 2011

A Graceful New Year

Looking forward to 2012 it is both a time of anticipation and especially this year some anxiety. No one truly knows what 2012 will hold.

A great speaker, Graham Cooke, once said there are no good days or bad days just days of grace. This is how I will try and approach 2012. I know I will make mistakes, get things wrong but I want to approach this New Year not by trying to avoid things but by trying to do things.

Jack Welch (former Chairman of GEC) was once asked one piece of advice he could give to aspiring executives. His answer was simply to allow people to make mistakes. If we live our lives constrained by fear, whatever fear that is, we will never do anything. It is not that we live a life without consequence but that we live a learning life, a developing life.

Grace exists because we cannot be perfect. Our aspiration should never be for perfection but to be and do our best. Grace then exists to make up the inevitable shortfall.

How do we get this grace? Through Jesus. He declared in the bible that he was the way, truth and life (John 14:6).

Let this coming year be a year of grace, a grace that you can find for yourself and hopefully once that you then pass to others.

A Happy, blessed and a graceful New Year to all.


Friday 30 December 2011

Looking Back

I have always tried to look forward but every now and then find myself looking back over the years, especially around this time of year.

I often recall the Christmas's gone by when I was a child. They seem almost magical, golden memories. Some of those memories involve people who are no longer sadly with us, grandparents, relatives and friends. Invariably these memories come with a sense of sadness.

My struggle has always been to enjoy the moment. When I am in 'a moment' I have often found myself thinking 'I can’t wait to tell people about this', how good it was, often at the expense of 'the moment' itself.

Today many people want to capture 'the moment', preserving it forever in digital memory but maybe at the expense experiencing the said moment, not just in full HD or 3D but fully immersive 'D'!!

If I had to chose give me my memories any day over a picture or video. I know my version will be edited, incorrect even, but it is mine forever, absolutely personal! It will not decay or fade in quality, it may evolve but it will always be there.

What is my point, not sure really other than to say we need to live and indeed love our lives. We will never get this time again, even if we believe in an eternal life. This time will not come around again.

Don’t miss out on the many moments that life still has for each one of us. Grab them, receive them, enjoy them and immerse yourself in them.

Don’t be a bystander in this gift of life we have been given, get involved, however you can.


Saturday 24 December 2011

Happy Christmas

Christmas is one of my favourite times of the year. I love the chance to spend time with family and friends, the great food, the games and some great films; "It's a Wonderful Life" has to be my favourite.

Frank Capra who directed that film knew a thing or two about film making. As my mom always says 'they don't make them like that any more.' The essential premise of the film is that no one's life is worthless or does not count for something. The main character gets to see what 'his life' would be like without him!

Unfortunately that gift is not available to us; but all of our lives count and matter. You are unique. Only you can do what you do! We did not just happen, we were created, we were destined, in effect we were chosen by God himself. Ephesians 1: 4 says Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us.

The love that God has for us is ultimately demonstrated in the gift of Jesus. Christmas is a time where we can celebrate that gift.

Finally as we think about Christmas think about the gift that God has given each one of us.....even better than the gift of seeing your life without you in it!!

Have a blessed and Happy Christmas!


Monday 5 December 2011

Gary Speed

Thought I would leave it a few days before I would make a comment about this terrible tragedy.

As some of you may know in 2007 we lost a very close relative to just became too painful.

Many people have commented that they just can’t get their head around what has happened with Gary Speed. The reality is that we never can. We will try and see the situation through the eyes of logic and quite simply when someone decides to end their own life, logic, as we see it, is never part of the equation.

Again many have said they simply didn't see it coming, they thought everything was fine, or at best ok. I can remember the conversation I had with our relative hours before he made his last decision. I have gone over the conversation many times in my head, what clue did I miss, was there something I could have said. Questions that I am sure I will always ask myself, just as I am sure, the many people that knew and spoke to Gary Speed in his final days have asked themselves.

The reality is that when someone truly decides to end their life there will never be the clues we so longingly wished we could have had. People have said how relaxed and joking Gary Speed was only the day before, even talking about the future. How can this be?

I believe in his heart the decision was made, and a sense of peace almost would have descended on him. He could happily talk about the future because he had (in his mind) reconciled it, dealt with it even.

Saturday I saw a picture of his two sons and his wife....I thought how dignified and brave they were. I will be praying for them. I can only hope that in those final moments of his life Gary Speed found the peace he was so desperately looking for.

Finally I am not sure what lessons can be learnt from these tragic events other than we need each other, we sometimes need to go past the platitudes and dig a little deeper, relationships are key to everything.

Finally, finally thanks to those people, who are part of my life who may not always get the right response from me but you are right to thanks to Neil, Jen and especially Ness.

Strive to keep the 'diggers' in your life, we all need them.

Take care.


Saturday 12 November 2011


We all need to know the presence of God. Tonight we have an Equip Event, Deeper, at Broadmead Baptist in Bristol City centre at 7pm (see poster for further details).

DEEPER is about the 'deep blue sea' and diving, diving into the very depths of God, His word and his personal revelation for us as in Psalm 42: 7 which declares…deep calls unto deep.

This will be a meeting of intense worship and meditation, interspersed with scripture readings, prophetic words, and other devotional readings with a time for personal ministry.

Tonight we will discover the often hidden depths of God, taking the time necessary time to allow a fuller revelation of His word and promise to touch our lives deeply.

Come and join us this would be great to see you.


Friday 11 November 2011


Today is a day when we remember those who have given their lives for peace and freedom.

It is a day when we take a moment to be thankful and to pay our respects for those that the bible says have the greatest love...."Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." (John 15: 13)

Love maybe is not the first thing that we think about on Armistice Day. This love is not based on words but based on deeds, acts of heroism, selflessness, individuals who have prefered their brother or sister (Romans 12: 10).

Whenever I see programmes about those that have served or are serving in our armed forces I am amazed at their courage and selflessness. They serve willingly, they sacrifice willingly, they go to places that hopefully many of us will never have to go to, they have seen things that I pray most of us will never see.

Today and on Remembrance Sunday take a moment to remember those that have shown, are showing us the greatest example of love.


Wednesday 9 November 2011

Worst of Times....Best of Times

Feel this is so true for today.....courtesy of Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities (1812 -1870).

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way - in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil,


Character Determines Your Reach

For me Character is everything. Over the years I have met many gifted people but how they have used their gift(s) and how that has reached/impacted people has been varied.

In my earlier years I would look at some people and wonder why they (their gift,talent, ability, expertise) were reaching and impacting so many more people than a comparable person with the same level of giftedness or maybe even more. The answer is Character. Why?

This all about trust. Can we be trusted to use what we have been blessed with the right way, to make it count without it going to our head. Arrogance and pride will always curtail For our gift. Humility on the other hand does exactly the opposite.

If it always about us, life becomes very shallow and limited. When life is also about other people it is deep and unlimited! I know which life I want!!

The bible has many things to say about this. Ultimately can we be trusted with what God wants to give us, bless us with even. Can we be trusted to steward, administer, cherish correctly what He wants to give each one of us. Note, this is not about the promise or provision for a chosen few, this is for all!!

We need everyones gift to be in full operation...soaring even (as per the the great book Soar with Your Strength's). We can never hope to reach out and meet the many needs of this world through mediocrity, we need all our gifts and abilities at full stretch! Only our best will do!

Finally I will leave the final words to God....the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless (committed) to Him....(2 Chronicles 16: 9). God is looking for us! Question is, can we be fully trusted? A challenge for us all.


Tuesday 8 November 2011

Prisoners of the Past

This is a phrase that has been with me for some months. It is something that I feel affects all of us at some point in our lives. We can be held captive by our past.

Over the past few years I have tried to develop a focus and mentality that looks forward not backward. I always want to be a person that believes better days are ahead.

Sometimes we need to look back, to learn from past events and mistakes. But this is not the same as being held captive. Jack Welch one time CEO of GEC was once asked what was the most valuable lesson he could impart to the young aspiring excecutives. His answer was "simply allow people to make mistakes and then to lean from them." When we stop allowing people to make mistakes we stop one of the best ways we learn. Ultimately, allowing mistakes creates an environment that enables great new ideas to develop, it helps people to reach beyond the immediate and to grasp the future.

People that we identify as achievers are not people that have never failed, but they are people that pick themselves up and cut themselves some slack and have another go, and then another go, and then another go, and get the picture!

John maxwell has this great phrase "failing forward: turning mistakes into stepping stones for success" ....i.e.) we are always learning no matter what the situation. Alternatively the bible says "all things work together for good for those who love God" (Romans 8: 28).

Don't be held by the past or past failures. If needed forgive yourself, give yourself the same break you give everyone else, pick yourself up and have another deserve it!


Monday 7 November 2011


Simply love this song.


As a Christian I am part of a worldwide faith movement.  There are billions of Christians across the globe.
It never ceases to amaze me how we really are all the same, the differences we have are only metaphorically and literally 'skin deep. Within, we are all the same mix of spirit, soul and body. However, what I believe separates Christians from everyone else is our relationship with Jesus and God the Father.

It is this personal relationship that defines our faith from all other faiths. This is where Christianity can be seen to be a paradox. Yes Christianity is a corporate religion, but at its core is this personal relationship with God. The Bible declares God created the heavens (including the universe) and the earth, and that the earth is his footstool (Isaiah 66: 1), yet God also wants (craves) personal relationship with you and me....amazing!

Christianity is encapsulated in this relationship. With it we have everything we need. Sometimes it is not easy, challenging even, but like all worthwhile relationships it is worth fighting for.

We may spend a 'lifetime' trying to get it right, but I for one believe it is worth it.

Finally fight to keep those special relationships in your life.....without them we are always the poorer!

Finally, finally a big thanks and love to all those special relationships in my life, Nessa, the kids, my family and friends....where would I be without you all!!


Wednesday 29 June 2011

Your Decision

Every now and then we will be reminded of something that happened in our life that was a pianful time for us.

This has happened to me today as I was listening to a song and reminded me of the time 4 years ago when a very close relative of ours decided the pain in his life was too much and he eneded his own life.

It is at this point that we have a decision to make. The reality is that the pain of that situation never really leaves us but we can choose how we respond and what we dwell on. The only way I can liken this is to standing by the side of a carousel and watching the horses go by. Eventually the ride will stop. This is the point of decision do we get on or not?

Many memories are like that. Do we 'get on' them or not? Don't get  me wrong we need to face our emotions and feelings about these situations, maybe even to the point of seeking outside counsel. But there comes a point when we need to a choose what we are going to dwell on. The Bible references this in Philippians 4: 8 tells us to keep your thoughts on whatever is right...things that are true, honourable , fair, pure, acceptabel and commedable.

I will try and do this....I will never ever forget my friend and relative, they will always be missied but I will try and choose what to I have said it is my decision.

Take care.


Thursday 23 June 2011

More than exprience

An awful lot of kudos is given to the value and benefit of experience. Often when a job vacancy becomes available we look to fill it with someone of experience.

Obviously not all experiences are good but life tells us that we should always seek to learn from our experiences.

All of the above is very true and valid but experience will always have its limitations. Sometimes we need to approach life a different way.

Approaching something brand new will always challenge us, take us out of our comfort zone, but often this is where we truly live, where we truly embrace all that life has for us.

The pioneers (Mid West of America, to lay claim to a plot of land, would ride as hard as they could, for as long as they could. As far as they rode was the land they claimed. It is the same for us.

Maybe it is an age thing but for too many times in life we settle...., and if we use the mid west analogy, we stop riding. But why?

In his song Eternity Robbie Williams declares that 'youth is wasted on the young'.....there is certainly truth in that but there is also another cliche that 'today is the rest of your life'.

Sometimes we need to take a more reckless look at life...step out of our experience and as the bible encourages 'walk by faith' (2 Corinthians 5:7)....maybe just a little bit!


Wednesday 4 May 2011

The Mark of God

Finally back to's been a busy few weeks with many thoughts flowing through my mind one of which was the title for this post.

In reality we all carry the 'Mark of God' whether we like it or not, whether saved or not. The Bible dictates that we are all made in His image, His handiwork is all around us.

But my thought goes a little further than that. When we look deep within ourselves, sometimes at the darkest or most difficult times in our lives, we know and see something more than our 24/7 existence. This for me is what I would like to call the 'Mark of God.'

In the film Bladerunner (fantastic film by the way) mankind has advanced to being able to create artificial beings manufactured from a cellular level. These beings are created by engineers who at a cellular level mark their creations with their code or if you prefer signature.

It's the same for all of us...whether we classify ourselves as saved or not we all have this mark, signature at the heart of our very being....we are all the Fathers handiwork.

Why do we have this mark? Quite simply all creation is His...the stars in the night sky, the cattle on a thousand hillsides as it states in the bible, even the house you live in or the clothes on your back. But all these things are not marked the way you or I am marked. We are the pinnacle of His creation, we have been created for a reason, none are here by accident.

So why are you here are, what indeed is 'it' all about, what were you created for? Big questions I know but ones that surely deserve some thought....give it a many say the answer lies deep within!


Tuesday 22 March 2011

Just For You!

Great song by Lionel Richie which I came across the other day, great voice... but there is also a line in the song which says and my heart is breaking just for you.... and my arms are open just for you...and these tears I'm crying are just for you... ....can just imagine God the Father singing that to us.


Friday 18 March 2011

DNA of Growth

As I look out of our kitchen window I can once again see the signs of Spring (see picture). As we emerge from winter the trees begin to produce the wonderful colours of blossom.

Blossom has suddenly been produced as the conditions are right. Temperature, sunlight, water and the root system have all played their part.

Quite simply if the right conditions are in place, growth automatically happens. It is part of our natural and spiritual DNA. We have been made to grow!

We can apply the same principles to our own life. If we 'put' ourselves under / in the right conditions growth will happen, in and through our lives. Take away the right conditions and growth stops.

We need to think about our lives and the right conditions we need. Maybe we need to make some changes, some that may be quite challenging to make. We need courage.

Examine your life over the last 12 months, audit what has happened. Nothing 'just happens', there is always cause and effect. Be honest with yourself, be rigorous. Employ the help of a trusted friend.

Set yourself some goals for the next 12 months, but don't just think about the goals, think about what is needed, what are the right conditions, that will ensure you fulfill them all.

Finally be prepared for change, your life will not be the same. If you stick at it I am sure when you look back you will be more than pleasantly surprised!


Thursday 17 March 2011

You Alone

Awesome blessed.


Wednesday 16 March 2011

The Need to Make a Difference

There is an intrinsic part of us that needs to know our life makes a difference.We all need to be needed. Some have this feeling too much and maybe some not enough.

Those who have this feeling too much are often called needy, those with too little can be called aloof. Those refereed to as needy often define themselves only by what they do and not by who they are. For those refereed to as aloof it can often be the opposite.

So back to my starting point. The truth (as many times) is somewhere in the middle.

We are defined by both what we do and who we are. There is a rather a bad cliche that says we are human beings and not human doings but this missies the point of the need to make a difference.

Why do so many people ask why am I here.....what is 'it' all this all there is? These are all valid questions and are linked to the inbuilt need for our life to mean something.

We have all been created with a purpose, we are all predestined. We are not a mistake, we all have something that only we can do, we all have a unique piece of the overall jigsaw!

Making a difference is not only about the big but just as much, if not more, about the small. By taking a small step each day we can eventually conquer a nation!

This is exactly what God said to Joshua when he told him how he would posses the promised land. Everywhere the sole of his foot went ie) one step at a time (Josh 1: 3)!

Lets look for the small ways we can make a difference each day. 


Monday 14 March 2011

Saturday 12 March 2011


Our prayers and thoughts and  are with the poeple of Japan at this time.

As a nation the Japanese people have always struck me as honourable, always appearing polite and respectful, hard working, determined. I am sure it is these qualities that will bring them through this dark and difficult time.

The death toll I am sure will rise dramatically over the next few days. Maybe we have not really taken on board some of what we have actually seen, within the buildings, cars, boats even, being swept away.
I can remember watching 9/11 unfolding before my eyes, watching the first tower collapse and at that point not really registering the number of people still trapped in the building.

It has felt the same watching the footage from Japan.  It is only now 24 + hrs after the earthquake and consequent tsunami,  with images of people being rescued that I am beginning to realise the number of people that will not be rescued!

Maybe I am being naive but I pray, maybe hope being a more appropriate word, that at those final moments people were able to cry out to God who ultimately rescued them, maybe not from the tsunami but from something far worse.

I will continue to pray, pray for the people trapped, yet to be rescued, pray for the rescuers, pray for the government, pray for the bereaved, the homeless, all affected....pray that God will give strength courage and help to those who desperately need it.

I have always wanted to go to Japan, a desire to go and minister. Funnily enough having seen all that I have it only wants to make me go more!

Finally it is interesting to note how each nation responds in its wishes. Here in the UK Mr Cameron expressed our thoughts and condolences. In America President Obama expressed their thoughts and prayers.

How different and indeed how sad that our nations leader cannot express, as I am sure many thousands  have in this nation, that we are praying. We need God more than ever in our world...that is something we all need to pray for....even Mr Cameron!


Thursday 10 March 2011

The Sun of Righteousness.......

....shall arise with healing in His wings....Malachi 4: 2. Love this image

A Prayer

This is a not a post as normal but a prayer.... a prayer for some people that I know and love but also a universal prayer that can be used for anyone we know that needs our God to intervene, help, support, touch ....whatever is needed.

God we know that you are our Father, a loving dad who cares. A God who sits not in judgement but love and grace. God I ask that you would hear a prayer on behalf of my friends, my family, those I love....maybe they can't or are unable to pray themselves, so tonight God I make a request on their behalf.

Lord touch them this evening, let them feel your presence.....your touch this evening. Let them know your peace this evening, today.....let them know that you have heard every cry, seen every tear. Even in the darkest hour that you are always present, never absent. Lord remind them that you have never nor ever will take your eyes off them.

Lord I ask that you remind them of your word to them, the promises that you have spoken over them and declare....not just past but today...that your mercies and grace are new every morning.

Lord heal them, provide for them, minister to them. Lord we remind the enemy that your blood that was shed still speaks today. That no matter how they feel they have been washed in your blood and stand clothed in your righteousness.

Lord release this prayer to them, for them today.



Defender of the Faith

As you may know when a monarch of the UK is crowned one of the statements they make is that they will defend the faith, although it is widely rumoured that if and when Charles takes the throne that he will become defender of (all) faith as opposed to defender of the faith i.e.) christianity, but that is another debate entirely!

My point is this, too many times the church and Christians are on the defensive, we become as our monarch does,  defenders of the faith.

I would much rather we become offensive of the faith. This is not that we become offensive i.e.) rude, obnoxious etc but that we become proactive and active with how we live our lives. We stop waiting for something to happen and make it happen.

Our faith does not need defending, it will speak loud and clear when it is active.

This once again brings me to the point of our faith being offensive....there is a reality that if we are active with our faith it will be offensive to some. We cannot hope to be active with our faith and nor upset one or two people. Our faith requires and in fact demands change. Mark Stibbe has a great quote to sum this up, he says Jesus declares come as you are but don't stay that way.

An active faith will challenge many,  their attitudes and beliefs.  Jesus did the very same in the temple. We cannot hope to gently woo everyone into the the kingdom, sometimes confrontation will be involved. It is how we confront, that is the issue.

Our faith should not be about hanging in there but about being out there.


Tuesday 8 March 2011


I have tweeted this today and wanted to expand the thought. I tweeted that someone doing a 'bad' thing, however we define bad, does not make that person 'bad', by our definition.

My reason for this thinking is something that I want to be very honest and very real driving. For those that know me they will tell you there are times when I can be very impatient, this is often at it's worst when I am driving. If someone cuts me up, doesn't let me in, doesn't say thank you for me letting them in ....the list goes on, I can get very impatient and sorry to say, angry!

My point is this. As soon as this happens I will make a judgment about that person because they have done something, that I deem to be 'bad', I assume them to be bad as a whole. Wrong I know, but that unfortunately is how I can think in that instant.

The key here is judgment, and in that instant, how quick I am at making that judgment. The thing with judgment is that really we are in no position to make it.

As a Christian I am saved by grace, but when I sit in judgment I am crying out for justice, but if I want justice it has to work both ways. If I want justice for myself by the very nature of justice itself, I have to want it for everyone. If I apply that to my relationship with God then justice can only end one eternal death!! As scripture declares we all fall short and in so doing I am in effect a condemned man.

I need to stop making a judgment, or as many have said to try and see the best in each person, give them the benefit of doubt. It's time to walk in grace not justice!


Tuesday 1 March 2011

Wednesday 23 February 2011


This morning I was thinking about one of my favourite verses in the Bible, Matthew 6: 33, which states "seek first the kingdom of God".

I was suddenly struck by the use of the word "seek". When we examine this word in the original Greek it also means to desire, endeavour, enquire (for), require, to seek after.

This is active stuff, not passive. We have to be looking for the kingdom everyday but it will not always be obvious and certainly not always easy, but it is there to be found.

The question and challenge for me is am I looking for it hard enough and am I looking for it as much as I can? The quick and honest answer to my own question is simply No.

Sometimes it feels like too much bother, too much like hard work. But I think I am missing the point. Jesus says that He only did what He saw the Father doing already. It was not so much that He had to go looking for it but when kingdom business came across His path, He embraced it, went for it (feet first even) and was obedient to the Father!

Paul’s wise words to Timothy were always to be ready with an answer for the reason for hope that is within us , whether literal, physical or symbolic …..that’s the minimum I think we owe the world.


Monday 7 February 2011

Poverty of Expectation

As I write this, and in one sense this post is linked to my previous one, I feel there is a real poverty of expectation across our nation, a phrase I heard many years ago.

Anything that is positive is under attack. Many who are trying to take steps forward are being knocked back at every turn.

Why is this? It is this positive, expectant attitude that will lead us to our individual and corporate destiny. Destiny is an over used word, for me it simply means fulfilling our life purpose or fulfilling what we are here for in the first place. No one is an accident! We all have a purpose! If you need help with this drop me a line or see for our upcoming meetings and events.

We need to hold onto our dreams and visions...our destiny. We need to fight for it at this time. Imagine it as your new born baby. If anyone came long and tried to take your baby you would do everything in your power to hold onto that baby, even give your life.

We need to have exactly the same attitude to our destiny. Many will come and try and take that destiny from you but it is yours by right! Fight for it, live it, achieve it.



Successful people are not successful just because of how they deal with the good times but how they deal with bad times. We need to face the reality that there will be tough times. Maybe you are facing such a time now. It is in these times that we need to hold onto truth.

Truth is easy when things are good. Truth ultimately brings freedom and a fulfilled life, but it may be a bumpy ride along the way. Don’t give up on doing the right thing just because it has become hard. This will always happen, in fact it is the way of truth, but truth will always prevail.

At one second past midnight, ‘the darkest hour’, it is indeed a new day. King David in the Psalms writes more about these times than any other man. David was a man who knew great success but also great failure but he ultimately held onto truth. Even with his track record the bible still declares that he was a man after God’s own heart.

If David teaches us anything it is that life is not about being perfect but about giving it your best shot and if you fail dust yourself down get up and try again.


Wednesday 2 February 2011

Time Marches On!

It is the management of time that is often one of life’s big challenges, especially in a society that is consumed with the notion of making every second count.

Sometimes we can become so preoccupied with managing our time that we miss ‘the moment’. Our obsession with time can lead to looking back and wondering "where has the time gone" or even wishing to have our time again. Ultimately this can be very unhelpful as we cannot do anything about the past (unless you happened to have invented the Flux Capacitor!! See Back to the Future) thus leading to a helplessness and a malaise for our life of the present.

Having our focus on time is like focusing more on the plate as opposed to the food on the plate. When we go to a restaurant it is not to admire the plate but to eat and hopefully enjoy the food. Time is the plate that holds our life. We need to focus on who we are and what we want to do, not on how long we have got!

In the film Finding Forrester the young writer is encouraged by the ageing author (played by Sean Connery) to just write, not to think about what he is writing but to just let it flow out of him. It is the process of writing that makes someone a writer!

Maybe this is how we should live life, just live it, get on with it, do your best, have a go, dive in (feet first even) and see what happens. Stop planning and seeing if you have the time because as we all know one day we won’t.
